(Perlon, Multicolor recordings – Berlin, Santiago)

Martin Schopf, alias Dandy Jack, is renowned in Chile and Germany as much as for his musical productions than for his organisation work in the electronic music movement. In Santiago de Chile he created the Microman club together with Adrian Schopf (Dj Adrian), which apart from being a club, became a generating nucleus for many electronic events, on an international scale, like the well-known Encuentro de la Technocultura. Today he’s more than an active head of Mutek Chile, Canada’s most interesting electronic music festival south version.

As a musician he realeased many individual projects such as Dandy Jack and the Cosmic Trousers in 1997, Dandy Jack and the Plastic Woman in 1998 - both on Ratherinteresting - or Dandy Jack and the Latin Lava in 2001 and 2004 on Perlon, Dandy Jack and the Latin Elvis on Contexterrior. He’s now working on an intuitive and distinguished album that will appear by this year (autumn 2005) on Perlon.

On the other side, Schopf has developed a wide range of musical styles through his career, proof of his genious passion for electronic sounds. Different projects with other artists came to birth: Gon together with Uwe Schmidt (Atom Heart, Lisa Carbon), Amp with Peter Namlook, Sieg über die Sonne with Pink Elln (licenced by Sony Music, lately by Multicolor), Gonzalo Martinez with Jorge Gonzalez, and Ric y Martin with Ricardo Villalobos (see discography for details).

The next awaited album as Sieg über die Sonne – after their sexy mathematical (-) * (-) = (+) - is backing on right now and will be out by next year (winter 2004) on Multicolor. Another project he gather with Lucien Nicolet, alias Luciano (Mental Groove, Perlon) named CARABINA 30:30, has a real live and improvisation concept, based on both artists inputs. In a similar way but based on a magic spontaneous musical partnership, he started a year ago a very new project alongside SONJA MOONEAR (escorteaze) called JUNCTION SM, that never failed to impressed any kind of crowd. It consists on a non-stop live and dj performance already shown around the world (mutek, berlin love week, paris nouveau casino..).

Dandy Jack is maybe better known for his incredible energetic live appearances, shaking crowds all around and turning audiences into a non-stop atmospherical body wave. Together with other artists (like for the memorable Narod Niki 1st public concert at Mutek 2003) or alone, in small clubs or bigger events, the german-latin effect has nothing to proove, just power to give.